Harrison turns 2

A few short weeks ago, my baby turned two. I’m not sure how that happened, because he was just born. Somehow our sleepless baby has turned into a running, climbing, jumping, active two year old, who sleeps all night!   I very much view Harrison as a baby still. Whenever he does something new, I’m blown away by it, because in my mind, he’s still an 8 month old. As each day passes, he’s reminding me more and more how far from a baby he is!

This past year with Harrison has been so fun. Throughout his baby months, we really struggled with sleep, falling into a routine and adjusting to becoming a family of four. This past year? We found our jive. We have enjoyed watching his language s…l…o….w….l….y develop, to see him gain interests, and most of all, witness the bond of brothers.

Monkey see monkey do, is the key phrase that defines most of Harrison’s days. He looks up to his brother and follows his lead, which can be both good and bad. Harrison loves playing in the driveway on his “scooter” while August bikes around the cal-du-sac. Harrison loves playing catch, kicking balls, dancing around the living room, and creating a mess.

The part of Harrison that strikes me to the most? His personality. He  is a free spirit. He’s joyful, humorous, and has a sweet spirit about him. His eyes and smile can light up any room. He loves waving “hi” and “bye” to people and quickly makes friends. He LOVES and I mean LOVES his paci and froggy.

We. Are. Blessed.

Harrison Siders Bohle. You are a gift to our family. Your brother loves you deeply and longs for the day where you are clam enough to sit and snuggle with him. He loves being silly with you and watching you learn new things. Your dad and I love you fiercely. Your joy and sweetness add such great warmth and love to our family. I pray that you discover how deep our Father’s love is for you. I pray that you learn to fiercely love God’s people and work for justice. There is a great and mighty plan for you, Harrison, and it is a joy that we get to be part of it.

We love you more than you know, Little Brother.

Bohle Family Sept 2017-59