2 months.

It seems like just yesterday we were headed to the hospital and now in a few short days I am headed back to work. August is 2 months old today. After 2 months of getting to know this little guy, I feel like I am starting to get a grip on him, his schedule, sleeping, etc. That’s not to say that we don’t have our days of an unpredictable schedule and nights of little sleep that leave me scratching my head and saying “I thought I had you figured out”. Overall, August has fallen into a decent eat/wake/sleep routine that is usually happening around the same time each day. Here are some highlights from his 2nd month of life:

  • “He’s so alert”: We hear this over and over and over. When August is awake, he is awake! His eyes are big and he is always looking around. He doesn’t like it when he can’t see what is going on around him. Here are some of his favorite things to “watch”: 

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  • Happy Baby: I think it is safe to say that we have a happy baby on our hands. This doesn’t mean that he goes all day everyday without crying. But this does mean that for the majority of the day he is a content little dude (I say this as he is currently crying for “no reason” ha!). Lately he has been full of smiles:


  • Likes: August LOVES his swing. He can be screaming and then when I put him in his swing, he instantly is smiling and “talking” as he stares into the mirror and watches the mobile. His other “likes” right now: playing on the activity mat, looking and watching at whatever is around him, smiling, and cooing.
  • Dislikes: Bath time (I’ve tried all the suggestions–steaming the bathroom, making the water warmer, putting a warm towel over him and nothing has worked), tummy time, laying/cuddling/sitting in a way where he can’t see what’s going on.

This picture only goes to prove that we have rough days!

  • Firsts: rolling over (this has only happened once…but hey, it has happened!), sleeping for a 7 hour stretch, social smiles, coos in response to us, grabbing at things, being startled at loud noises. He has also discovered his hands which are often found in his mouth. August also celebrated his first holiday this month!


  • Sleep?: Ahh–the big question; “how is he sleeping?” During the day, he has fallen into somewhat of a routine of sleeping 1.5/2 hours 2-3 times a day. [i say this on a day where he’s been awake from 8:00 am-1:00pm with no naps]. Within the past week he’s started to sleep from about 8:00pm-3:00am, eat a 3:00 and then wake up again at 6:30.
  • Mommy lessons: 1. Don’t move the sleeping baby from the car seat to their crib, let them sleep in the car seat. 2. Never leave the house without a pacifier. 3. Don’t say or think “I’ve finally figured him out” because tomorrow–he will change! 4. Follow your instinct, it’s usually right. 5. Take lots of pictures and enjoy every moment (the good and bad).

Daily I am humbled by the reminder that I don’t always know what to do. I’ve discovered that there’s always something to worry about. We are beyond blessed to be raising such a sweet little boy. Our prayer is that we will raise him to know and love Jesus and then give that love to others around him–may we be a model of that.



fitness club and church.

The last several days have been pretty quiet around here. With a sleeping baby and no other adult interactions my mind has been racing. Mainly about the topic of community.

Hang in there with me while I try to sort through my thoughts. And to see how “fitness club and church” relate.

It was only 8 weeks ago that I looked like this (this picture was taken as we were on our way to the hospital):


It was 8 weeks and 8 hours later that I birthed him (our little man a few moments after arriving):


As pregnancy does to every woman, it makes you gain weight and changes your body in ways you never knew possible. The first couple of weeks home with August, I didn’t feel up to doing much, let alone burning off some of that baby weight. Once I started to feel better and got the “okay” from the doctor, I was ready to hit the gym. Because of the lack of childcare from Planet Fitness, we decided to join MVP Fitness Club here in Holland. Between a nice discount my employer offers, unlimited classes, nice facilities and childcare, we were sold.

My first time at MVP, I was clearly an outsider. I didn’t know how the treadmills worked, I put my lock on the lockers wrong, found myself accidentally working out in the middle of an ab group class, felt less fit than 97% of the people there and wasn’t making weekend plans with the women next to me in the free weight section. I was intimidated and felt like everyone knew everyone and everyone knew that I knew no one. Make sense?

It got me to thinking, this is how non-Christians must feel when they come to church for the first time. They probably don’t know where to sit, how to take communion, why we’re passing an offering plate, who to talk to, and feel like everyone knows everyone but them. And the crazy thing is, I will probably feel part of the gym quicker than an “outsider” will feel part of the church. I’ve been a Christian my entire life and have attended church since I was in the womb and I still tend to feel like an outsider in new churches. We’ve been attending our church here in Holland (which we really enjoy and love) since July, and we still feel like outsiders at times.

Everyone is seeking to belong to something bigger than themselves–a rich, fulfilling community. Whether that is found at a fitness club, local bar, or a church–we all long to be known. So why is it that I may be more comfortable at a gym sooner than I will be at church, when the church is supposed to be one of the most loving and accepting places for people go to?  I guess I’m not looking for an answer nor am I giving one.

As I’ve spent a lot of time with just August these past few weeks, I’ve been thinking a lot about community, where that is supposed to come from, what it should look like and how the body of Christ should be supporting one another. I guess I am bothered that the church doesn’t always do the  best job of providing the type of community I believe it should.  I’m bothered that I contribute to this. I’m bothered that so many people throughout this world turn to gyms and bars for community before the church. Maybe it bothers me to a different degree because we don’t live close to family and have struggled to find rich community for the past 4 years, or that there truly is a lack of community in today’s American church.

Whatever it might be that has me on my soapbox right now, change can only start with me. My prayer is that I will allow my newly found insecurities at the gym to soften my heart to those around me. May I be the one who helps the lonely first time mom feel welcome or the discouraged elderly man find joy in his day. This Sunday and each one afterwards, I hope and pray that my eyes and heart are open to those around me who are feeling the way I felt at the gym this week.

cabin fever.

I don’t know if anyone else is feeling it, but this mama has a severe case of cabin fever. Upon moving to Holland we knew to expect something called “lake effect snow” and grey skies. I thought to myself; “I grew up in Michigan and have lived in the Midwest all of my life, it can’t be THAT bad.” 6 months and a newborn later, I’m going crazy!

It has snowed almost everyday for the past 2 weeks. In addition to the endless flakes falling from the sky, it has been very cold and very grey. The perfect storm for not wanting to go out with a newborn baby.

Here are my top 10 ways of trying to remain sane during these dreary winter days.

10. I’ve had plenty of time to read every book there is  about child rearing. Some of the ones I’ve read [err..skimmed] are:

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My humble opinion about child rearing books? Stop reading them and do what you think is best. I’m still waiting for someone to come out with a book that is tailor made for August and will tell me exactly what to do in each situation. [i won’t hold my breath]. I will say, being at home has really helped me get August on a decent schedule. I feel like we are slowly falling into a somewhat predictable routine.

9. I’m hooked on watching this: 


We had friends visiting from Chicago and they while they were here they were raving about FNL. So…I watched the pilot and have been hooked since. I often find myself deeply distressed about the characters lives. When I can’t take it anymore, I turn on Netflix and relish in the TV goodness.

8. I’ve tried to remain crafty. I am still trying to figure out when to scour pinterest for craft ideas and when to find the time to hit up Hobby Lobby and the local thrift store to actually make them. Here are a few of the crafts I’ve made: 

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7. I’ve taken advantage of Chris’ willingness to give me some “me time”. I never knew trips to Kohls and Planet Fitness at 8:30 p.m. could be so refreshing! 

6. Figuring out how to effectively use this:


My school recently gave me an iPad to use for teaching. I have had plenty of time to explore it. Chris is getting sick of hearing all my ABC and 123 games that I’m trying out for when I return to work in March.

5. Reading sappy Christian romance novels such as this series: p6068d

Just looking at the cover of these books is enough to tell you how corny this series is. I’m not here to endorse it and say they’re a literary “must”, rather to inform you of how I’m beating cabin fever.

4. I know many moms who say they try to do one thing a day to get them out of the house. That has been my goal. Whether that is coffee with a friend or a trip to Target, I’m working on making a point to leave. 

3. Enjoying visitors! We’v been very grateful for each family member or friend who has taken the time to come visit us and meet August. Our door is always open for more visits! 🙂 

Uncle Matt!

Grandma Bohle!

Grandpa Wissman!

Mr. and Mrs. Bare!

2. Dreaming of spring/summer days in Holland with our little family of three. I’m longing for days like these: 

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1. Spending as much time as I can with the new love of our lives before having to return to work. I have found myself enjoying this time of staying in sweatpants, cuddling on the couch and watching him grow. He is our precious gift from Above and we are daily thankful for him [even if he is the culprit of my cabin fever]. 



Well, I better go brush my teeth and finish getting ready before this little man wakes up from his nap. Good luck fighting your cabin fever! 🙂