august thacker bohle.

I pushed. He came out. We stayed in the hospital. Now our family of 3 has officially survived our first 8 hours at home. While our little bundle of joy is sleeping peacefully, I thought I’d post a picture or two and the meaning of his name. A lot of people have asked how we came up with August Thacker.

Our next post will share his “birth story”.

I was born and raised on a dairy farm in Marine City, MI. The farm was established by August Wissman who came from Germany to America 161 years ago. The land August farmed is where I grew up and the same farm my dad farms today. August Wissman is a family legend.

Chris’ mom’s maiden name is Thacker.

That one is pretty obvious.

There you have it. August Thacker Bohle. A name with a lot of family history and meaning. Along with August, we plan to call him Auggie. The verdict is still out if we will spell it Auggie or Augie.

IMG_4203Just moments after birth!

Spending time with dad.

August Thacker Bohle.

weeks 37-39

To be honest, I am surprised I am writing this post. When the doctor told me (almost 4 weeks ago) that  I could “go into labor any day”, I packed my bags, prepared my classroom and let the anxiety flow. Well, here I am almost 40 weeks pregnant with no signs of immediate labor. At my last appointment the doc said I’ve made “more progress” but it’s still a “waiting game”. You would think with medical advances we have now days, they should be able to give you an exact date.

There is still a chance this little guy could make an appearance sometime before/on Christmas. Until he comes, we are enjoying our quiet mornings, spontaneous afternoons and restful nights.

Here are pictures of the last couple of weeks. I’m ready for these to not be pictures of my growing belly but rather a growing baby! I am posting these prior to the 40 week picture in hopes that I won’t make it that far!

IMG_418237 Weeks

IMG_418338 Weeks

IMG_418639 Weeks

Now that my bags are packed, I am done teaching until March, 10+ meals are waiting in the freezer and the house is cleaned, this little guy can come any day now!

bohle family christmas letter.

I love the Christmas season. That is largely due to wonderful childhood traditions and memories. I love the hustle and bustle of the season. I love baking Christmas treats and buying the perfect gift for those on our shopping list. I love Christmas parties with friends and family.

This Christmas season has been one very different from years past. It’s been a quiet and peaceful season. One with little shopping and few attended parties. We’ve laid pretty low this Christmas season with the anticipated arrival of Baby Bohle. As I’ve found myself “upset” that I didn’t have more occupying me through the month of December, I’ve been reminded that this is probably how the Advent season should be spent. Spent in a state of reflection, peacefulness, quiet, yet great anticipation for the birth of our Savior.

All that to say, I am still upholding family traditions. And one of those being our annual Christmas letter. Some think it’s a silly tradition (namely, Chris), but I have fun writing it! 🙂 Last year I got creative and did a top 10 list. This year I thought I’d continue the theme of being creative and wrote it from a different perspective. Can you figure out who wrote this year’s letter?

Dear Family and Friends,

“There seems to be a lot of anticipation this Christmas season. I keep seeing twinkles of Christmas lights, catching scents of balsam and getting tastes of sweet cookie treats. My mom and dad are preparing for something “big”, and I can’t quite figure it out. Maybe it’s my arrival? I wonder if this is how Jesus felt during the final days before he was born? Did he know something great was about to happen? 

My mom and dad tell me that this has been quite a year for them—one with a lot of changes and excitement. I’ve only been a part of it for the past 9 months though. They say they started the year living in the Chicagoland area. Their winter was full of anticipation for an end of one season of life and the beginning of another. Little did they know that I was going to be a big part of that. My dad (people also refer to him as Chris) began searching for new jobs. I guess they used to live in a dorm full of first-year college students. That sounds like a lot of babysitters to me!   

Before they knew about me, they decided to move from Trinity Christian College to Hope College in Holland, MI. Dad got a job there as the Associate Director of Student Life. Two days after they made their decision to take the job, I surprised them by letting them know that I was on my way.  My expected day of arrival is Christmas Day( mom tells me there are a lot of Christmas babies in her family)! I thought their reactions were pretty funny: surprised, shocked, and excited.

After my mom, or Amanda, found out about me, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to be a full time teacher AND a mom to a rowdy little newborn. That’s when she accepted a part-time preschool job at Holland Christian Schools. She says that she has learned a lot of patience in her new job and really loves what she does.

 I’ve been a part of some other really exciting things this year too. There was one time when I was rocked to sleep by the sound of pounding footsteps while mom ran a half marathon. I guess dad ran it too. But he was way too far ahead of mom and I to experience it with us. Then another time this summer, they were in CO visiting some friends. This was the first time I hiked an 11,000-foot mountain.  I think it might be awhile before I do it again. After hiking the mountain I was laying ocean-side in FL while mom and dad visited family.

 Now that all three of us are settled in Holland, I can’t wait to meet dad’s college students, mom’s preschoolers, family, their new and old friends and go to their new church. My parents really seem to love Holland, so I am excited to experience it with them. They keep talking about how faithful God has been to them this year. 

 In a few days or weeks, I will be able to experience the love of Christ that they talk about so often. I can’t believe that I will be sharing this season of Christmas celebration with Jesus. I feel pretty special.

 If you would like to come and meet me and see mom and dad’s new place, please do! I hear there are some great beaches in Holland that I’ll get to visit this summer and something called, Tulip Time? I hope you come join me.”

 May you experience the excitement of Jesus’ birth this Christmas season. Rejoice in the greatest gift ever given to us—His salvation.

Please do let us know if you are ever in West Michigan.  We would love to see you.

With Christ’s Love,
Chris, Amanda and Baby Bohle
(Written from the perspective of Baby Bohle!)

Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

IMG_0820Our first Holland Christmas tree. It’s a little stumpy, but we’ve come to love it.

IMG_0769I love having a mantel to decorate.

weeks 33-36

It’s hard to believe that I am in my final month of pregnancy.  In a few short weeks (or days) this little baby will be here.

Being very pregnant during the Christmas season has given me a whole new perspective on the birth of Christ. There is a lot of anticipation around the birth of Baby Bohle. Family and friends are anxious to meet him, we have spent the past 9 months *trying* to prepare for his arrival, with each day that passes we wonder “is today the day”. All this excitement for a very special baby but one that won’t save the world of their sins. Imagine the excitement that filled the air with the news of Jesus’ birth. The birth of a baby who was promised thousands of years before to come to save mankind from our brokenness so we could live forever in Heaven. wow.

Last night we attended Christmas Vespers at Hope College. As I felt Baby Bohle kicking and moving while the organ was playing a triumphant praise to the new born King, I couldn’t help but gain a better picture of that miraculous Christmas day some 2,000 years ago.

I also have gained a whole new appreciation for Mary. I couldn’t imagine traveling for days on the back of a donkey while 9 months pregnant not knowing when the baby would be born. Having to deliver the baby in a stable with hay. No doctors, no epidural, no nurses, just her and Joseph. I would have flipped. Don’t get me wrong, I love Chris and all. But if were just him and I in the straw of a stable, I’m not sure what I would do. I’m already on edge about the 1.5 mile car ride to the hospital and worried that my doctor won’t be there to deliver the baby. Maybe I need to take some lessons from Mary in the area of “do not worry”.

Anyway, enough of my thoughts on Christmas and pregnancy. All that to say, it’s a pretty cool time of year to be 9 months pregnant. Here are some of my latest belly pictures.

IMG_417033 weeks.

photoWe forgot to snap a 34 week picture. But this is even better. These lovely ladies threw an overnight Baby Bohle celebration for me! It was so good to spend time together. After months of not seeing each other, we always seem to pick up right where we left off.

IMG_417735 weeks

IMG_417936 weeks– At my appointment this week my doctor said that the baby is already making progress (I will spare you all the details and current conditions of my cervix). If you’re truly interested, I’d be happy to share! He pretty much said he would be surprised if I made it to my due date. That meaning, this baby may be here sooner rather than later. But doctors don’t really know anything for sure.  We’ll keep you updated.

May you sense the excitement of Jesus’ birth this Christmas season.