christmas crafts.

The balsam candle is burning, the tree is up, and my crafts are done! I love decorating for Christmas. There is no argument there. This year with my new found creative inspiration from Pinterest, I was inspired to be crafty and add to our already 4 tubs of Christmas decorations. With a limited budget given by the hubs and some creative inspiration, I had at it. Enjoy!

The first craft was pretty simple. I found these glass [trees?] at the local thrift store for $1.25 each. I’m not sure the original intent,but they decorate our living room nicely. After purchasing these glass trees, I found this blog that gave me a step by step tutorial of how to get the glitter inside the tree, thus creating a mess free glittery decoration!



The picture frame trees are a spin off of something I saw in Pinterest as well. I found some old sheet music at the local thrift store [I love that place!], cut out a christmas tree silhouette found on Google and then simply painted over it. With a couple of Dollar Store frames, we’re good to go!


Lastly, this might be my favorite of all the crafts I’ve made this season.With some cones from Micheals, a little jute, fabric all sitting in an empty picture frame. Here it is!


I know these pictures don’t do the crafts justice, but it’s the best I got!  May you be blessed the start of this Christmas season!

giving thanks.

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, giving thanks has been on my mind [but I will admit that I have been working on Christmas crafts and our balsam candle has been burning]. There are the typical things that everyone is truly thankful for, and I am no exception. Clothes, housing, food, water, family, friends, etc. Those are all top on my list, don’t get me wrong.

Each Friday, all the students at my school come together for chapel to spend time in worship and learning about the Lord. Yesterday’s chapel focused on being thankful. A student read something that really caught my attention. It said something along the lines of this: “Most say they’re thankful for their clothes on the body but I am thankful for the body of Christ dying for my sins and His never ending mercy and love to bring me through the hard times.” Those student’s words made me think. We are often very thankful for the things that make us comfortable. It’s not usual to hear people giving thanks for the things that have made them cry, broken their heart, questioned their faith or circumstances that have caused extreme brokenness and pain. The bottom line is, it’s during those times that bring us closer to our Heavenly Father. That’s the whole point of our Christian walk, isn’t it?

With that, I am striving to show my thanks for the trying times over the past year. Times of unknown, fear, frustration, sadness, doubt, and questioning that have brought me closer in my walk with the Lord and have shaped me into a person that is just a bit more compassionate and understanding.

May you be blessed this Thanksgiving season!

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the Earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness.
Come before Him with joyful songs.
It is He who made us, and we are His.
We are His people, the sheep of his pasture.
Give thanks to Him and praise his Holy Name.
Enter His gates with gladness and His courts with praise.
For the Lord is good and His faithfulness continues through
all genereations. ”

Psalm 100

when i grow up

One of the joys of teaching 1st grade is asking the question of “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I love the innocence, lack of fear, and pure dreaming in their responses. As I sit and listen I often think “good luck” or “we’ll see about that one”. The typical response ranges from a professional football player to a teacher to a president to a worker at McDonald’s. Although I typically don’t think they will be a professional boxer, but rather, something like a tax accountant I always respond with: you can do it! Kids already [at the age of 6] have a concept of what what they’re good at and not good at. It’s amazing really. Below are some of the most typical and atypical responses I have heard in my years of teaching.

Most boys who are found throwing a football at recess and then standing in time out because they started tackling want to grow up and play for the Chicago Bears. They even color all of their coloring pictures in blue and orange because someday they will be like Jay Cutler. These are the kids who rush through their seat work, getting half of the answers wrong so they can go and play at the math center and see who can roll the biggest number. Everything is a competition. And if we’re honest, they will probably grow up to be in some sort of competitive vocation, Chicago Bears or not.

The other response I hear most often is a teacher. Every kid wants to be a teacher. Why? Because they love their current teacher and they want to be just like him/her. These are the kids who leave me love notes on my desk everyday, give me hugs all day, and take their precious time on their work and handwriting so Mrs. Bohle is pleased. They strive to win their teacher over and stare at me all day long with awe and wonder in their eyes. These students are seldom in time out because they so badly want to please authority figures. Yes, they are the teacher’s pets. [Upon finding out that teachers have some late nights at school, I had a student tell me that he no longer wants to be a teacher because there is no way he is staying at school longer than he has too. If he only knew…]

President. This is the third most common job that the students desire to have. Again, I think if they really knew the role this man (or someday woman) had, they would choose anything but this. The student who wants to be president is the one who is standing in time out for bossing others around, telling the teacher what they’ve done wrong, and acting as they they need to solve everyone’s problems. This student is strong willed, smart, and sneaky. I can never really trust the child who desires to become president. Although, I would be quite proud if my one of my little darlings grew up and ensured that I received my appropriate amount of social security. With that, I will continue to tell my future presidents, yes, they the CAN do it!

Doctor. A lot of students want to be a doctor. I ask them why. And they say because they make a lot of money. They never mention they want to be a doctor because doctors help cure cancer, perform medical miracles or write prescriptions. They aren’t aware of the cost of medical malpractice insurance, the pressures and demands of the job, or the endless time they have to spend in school to reach this dream of theirs. My future doctors are taking their schoolwork home as homework because they spent too much time deliberating over the answer to 3+4. They are making predictions for everything, getting excited when the science books come out and have endless stories of what they watched on the Discovery channel the night before. As always, I tell them they CAN become a doctor, because hopefully, they will be writing my prescriptions for me as an ailing old lady.

This is the most unusual aspiration I have heard yet. An imitation of Lady Gaga. My first concern, why is a first grade following Lady Gaga that closely? My second concern is that this dream is not even remotely attainable. By the time this little one reaches an acceptable age to behave the way Lady Gaga does, every weird and strange idea will be taken. So my response was, “oh, that’s interesting”. My hope is that this student  finds another career goal within the next 12 years of her life.

Lastly, my heart breaks for the  insecure kids with little confidence who say they don’t know because they’re not good at anything. My prayer for those students is that they will see their strengths, talents, and God-given passions and go and make a difference in the world. Everyone is good at something. I always end conversations like this with a reminder that no matter what we do with our lives, we need to do it to give honor and glory to our Heavenly Father. He created us in a unique way and we will use our talents to serve Him and further His Kingdom. As I tell my students that, I find comfort as well. No matter where I am and what I am doing, I am doing it for His glory. There are some days where I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up.

unqiue living

This past week was a unique one. One that is the epitome of our living/work situation.

Monday: Halloween right? Most people dress up, turn on their porch light, get the candy out and wait for the cute little trick-or-treaters to show up. Well, I was blessed with the sounds of 300 some college students screaming, doors banging and chainsaws sawing. Chris and his student leaders made the dorm into a haunted house. While I was laughing at the noises coming from all around me, Chris was part of the madness screaming and scaring hundreds of college students.

Tuesday: Parent Teacher Conferences. Every teachers dream right? It was actually an evening of enjoyable conversations with the parents of my students. My arrival time home: 9:00 p.m.

Wednesday: Worship practice. Chris helps lead worship at our church, Four Corners Community Church With his hardly-there voice [from the haunted house] he headed to practice and left me home to prepare for my next days worth of conferences.

Thursday: Another day full of teaching and conferencing. [Have I mentioned that we were exhausted at the end of the week?]

Friday: A MUCH needed day off for me. My day included: sleeping in, magazine reading, manicure, shopping, Chick-Fil-A, and some much needed R&R.

Saturday: The highlight of the weekend. Every year Trinity hosts a campus wide event called, Trollstock. In so many words, it’s a student talent show. Although not a student, Chris has been known to woo the audience with his marvelous signing voice and angelic piano skills. The song he chose this year? Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars. Now this wasn’t your typical top 40 version you hear on your local radio station. Rather a South Hall rendition. Chris had the audience on their feet after his [heart felt] performance. As you can tell, students love Chris and South Hall [South is a one of two freshman dorms on campus, there is a unique bond and love that Southies have toward one another and the dorm. Maybe it’s the no a/c or the 1970’s furnishings]. The video is for your viewing enjoyment.